Be the Change For A Better Tomorrow
Education is the promise of progress, in every society, in every family. At ASDS, Tezpur we intend to develop a passion for learning. We are committed to impart quality education which builds character plus intelligence.
Set amidst the lush green acreage and equipped with the state-of-the-art educational and sport facilities, the school provides an environment conducive to the holistic development of students. The excellent academic results and the achievements of the students in sports and cultural arena has garnered a name amongst the highest echelons in the city and the State. The school boasts of State Toppers, Ekalavya Awardees and International acclaimed Sports and Academic Achievers. We believe that every child is gifted and with a little encouragement and grooming, he can reach his true potential and become a better version of himself.
Learning gives creativity, creativity leads to thinking, thinking leads to knowledge, knowledge makes you Great
Quality Education
Reliable Management
Provides High Quality Facilities For A Better Learning Experience!
We offer a wide range of activities so that students can explore, discover, learn based on their skills and interest. A magnitude of tools are used to conduct holistic assessments thus, a student’s report card reflects all-round development.